Author: usasnakes

Heterodon Nasicus – Western Hognose Snake

The western hognose snake, Heterodon nascius, is a harmless snake that can be found throughout the Central United States as well as Canada and Mexico. The appearance and behavior of this relatively small and brown snake is adapted to the venomous rattlesnakes found in the same gepgraphic range. This mimickry intimidates and scares off potential […]

Pituophis Catenifer – Pacific Gopher Snake

The Pacific gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer, is a nonvenomous snake found in the Western United States, Canada and Mexico. It is commonly called the Pacific gopher snake, Western gopher snake or coast gopher snake. The bullsnake is one of its five subspecies. This nonvenomous and harmless constrictor snake mimicks the behavior and appearance of venomous […]

Thamnophis Elegans – Western Terrestrial Garter Snake

The western terrestrial garter snake is a harmless snake species that can be found throughout the Western United States. Its five subspecies come in a variety of colors ranging from brown to red, purple, yellow and black. Description The 5 subspecies of the western terrstrial garter snake come in various different colors. The most widely […]

Pantherophis Guttatus – Corn Snake

The corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus, is a non-venomous snake found throughout the Southeastern United States. Due to its poweful orange colors and docile nature, it is a popular pet snake. The corn snake belongs to the family of the rat snakes and is commonly also called the red rat snake. Size Corn snakes reach a […]

Pantherophis Spiloides – Grey Rat Snake

Pantherophis spiloides, commonly called the grey rat snake or the pilot snake, central ratsnake, midland ratsnake or chicken snake is a large nonvenomous snake found in the Central and Eastern United States. Especially in the Northern United States, the snake has an almost identical appearance as the eastern rat snake and the western rat snake. […]

Pantherophis Alleghaniensis – Eastern Rat Snake

Pantherophis alleghaniensis, commonly called the eastern rat snake or the black rat snake is a large nonvenomous snake found in the Eastern United States. Size The eastern rat snake is one of the larger snake species found in the United States. On average, adults reach a length of 36 to 72 inches (90-180 cm). The longest […]

Pantherophis Obsoletus – Western Rat Snake

Pantherophis obsoletus, commonly called the western rat snake or the black rat snake is a large nonvenomous snake species. It can be found in the central United States west of the Mississippi River as well as in Northern Mexico. With a length of up to 100 inches (250 cm), they are one of the longest […]

Agkistrodon Piscivorus – Cottonmouth Snake

Agkistrodon piscivorus, the cottonmouth or water moccasin is a venomous snake that can be found throughout the Eastern United States. The usually brown snake with darker brown blotches lives around water and is a great swimmer. When it feels threatened, it opens its mouth as a threat display. The large white inner mouth have earned […]

Nerodia Sipedon – Common Watersnake

The common watersnake is a nonvenomous snake that is often seen throughout the Eastern United States as well as Southeastern Canada. Due to its often brown coloration with dark brown blotches, it is often confused with the venomous cottonmouth (or water moccasin) or the venomous copperhead snake. Description The common watersnake can be brown, reddish-brown, […]

Storeria Occipitomaculata – Redbelly Snake

Storeria occipitomaculata, the redbelly snake is a small, dark brown , grey or black snake with a red, orange or bright yellow belly. It is found in the Eastern United States and is nonvenomous. Description The body of the red-bellied snake can take on a wide range of colors from dark brown to red-brown, gray […]

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